Winter and Valentines Day Photo Cards

Winter and Valentines Day Photo Cards
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Very versatile photo cards to target multiple speech and language? Make them once and use them with your whole caseload. I use them for practicing categories, associations, compare and contrast, describing, and more. Pair them with other photo card sets for even more language combinations.
This instant PDF download includes:
binder cover
vocabulary word checklist
40 real photo cards (16 Thanksgiving, 8 Chocolates (describing), 16 Winter)
40 word cards (24 nouns/verbs, 4 multiple meanings, 12 adjectives)
1 page language lesson template (label, category, function, association, attributes, background knowledge and antonym/synonym/multiple meaning if appropriate)
2 pages of data collection sheets
Photo Cards: Valentine's card, flowers/bouquet, a box of chocolates, candy hearts, gift/present, bracelet/jewelry, making cards, opening a present, slippers, robe, boot, beanie, mittens, snow boots, vest, overalls, snow, snowflake, snowman, snowball, making a snowman, sledding, skiing, snowboarding, heart (shape), heart (body part), date (couple), date (food), flour (food), flower (plant), kiss (action), kiss (chocolate), chocolates (variety of 8)
Vary difficulty:
•For younger children pair photo cards with real objects
•For older children and adults use written words
What you’ll receive:
A digital PDF download (17 pages). No physical product will be shipped.
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